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AI Against Wildfires

Stop the Blaze Before It Grows.

Our solution harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to detect wildfires in their earliest stages, enabling swift response and mitigation efforts. We offer our API to allow easy integration of our wildfire detection capability into your own products and solutions.


Explore our AI model in action on the demo site at

A grid view of wildfire detection results
A grid view of wildfire detection results

Contact us today to learn more about our solution and try out our wildfire detection API.  


Indicus AI Wildfire Detection 



Environmental Impacts of Wildfires

In 2020, California fires released an enormous 107 million metric tons of CO2 into the environment.


To put that number into context, California's passenger vehicles produced about 120 million tons of CO2 in 2018.


Learn more here

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Indicus Wildfire Detection Model

Our wildfire detection model has been tested against 300,000+ images from 200+ cameras. These numbers continue to grow every day.



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Indicus AI is now part of Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub

We are thrilled to announce that Indicus AI has been accepted into the Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub program. This allows Indicus AI to have access to Azure services, expert guidance, and essential technologies that will significantly accelerate our innovation. 


We are thrilled to join NVIDIA Inception Program for Startups. Our mission is to bring the power of AI-driven wildfire detection solution to the entire world.

Perfecting Wildfire Detection through Continuous Improvement.

We employ a rigorous training process to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our wildfire detection system.


Years of research and development have been dedicated to fine-tuning our AI models, training them with extensive datasets of wildfire imagery, and continually improving their accuracy.



Accuracy and Reliability

We understand the importance of identifying and minimizing false positives. Our system incorporates machine learning techniques to control and limit false positives.


Proven Track Record

With a proven track record in operating wildfire detection systems, Indicus AI brings a wealth of past experience to the table. 

Human in the Loop

We recognize the importance of having humans in the loop to drive continuous improvements to our model.



At Indicus AI, collaboration is ingrained in our DNA. We believe that by working together, we can leverage collective knowledge, resources, and expertise to develop innovative solutions that make a real difference in wildfire detection and management.

A grid view of wildfire detection by Indicus AI
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Defending Against Wildfire Threats

Welcome to Indicus AI, where we are at the forefront of utilizing cutting-edge technology to tackle one of the world's most pressing challenges: wildfires.


As a pioneering AI startup, we are dedicated to revolutionizing wildfire detection through the power of artificial intelligence.


With wildfires posing an increasingly significant threat to communities and ecosystems, our mission is to create safer and more resilient environments by leveraging the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence. 


At Indicus AI, we also believe in the power of collaboration and partnership. By actively engaging with government agencies, fire departments, research institutions, and local communities, we gather valuable insights and foster cooperative efforts to combat wildfires effectively. We prioritize seamless integration with existing emergency response systems, ensuring that our technology enhances the efforts of firefighters and emergency personnel on the ground.



Ignite Collaboration, Together Against Wildfires

We invite you to reach out and connect with us, as we work together to make a difference in protecting our communities and preserving our natural landscapes.

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